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Aerosols postdoc projects

Opportunity to apply for a postdoc project grant among 10 different aerosol themes at Lund University in Sweden

Are you looking for a postdoc abroad at Lund University in Sweden? This is an excellent opportunity to write a grant application for a 3-year postdoc project together with your potential future supervisor and work in a supportive team of several fellow students and well-known supervisors in atmospheric sciences.

These postdoc grants are from the Swedish FORMAS mobility grant for early career scientists with deadline March 31, 2024

You can choose from the following 10 themes:

  1. Where does the aerosol dust come from?
  2. Source apportionment of black carbon in Scandinavia
  3. Source contribution to oxidative potential of atmospheric aerosol particles
  4. Toxicity screening of particles in real time – focus on particles indoors where we spend 90% of our time
  5. Aerosol-chase experiments to quantify sources and aerosol processes
  6. Epidemiology of source-specific aerosol & Health Impact Assessment
  7. Machine-learning as a tool for post-analysis and short-term forecasts of air quality variables
  8. An improved stratospheric aerosol dataset for realistic climate projections
  9. Developing and applying advanced laser-based techniques for ranging atmospheric aerosols
  10. Optimizing aerosol dilution and concentration techniques for online measurement of semi-volatile particle composition using mass spectrometry and synchrotron light

For more information about the postdoc projects, and how to sign-up for the projects: Lund University offers 10 postdoc projects to apply for (.pdf)

Do you want to know more?

Adam Kristensson, Senior Lecturer in Physics

Page Manager: | 2023-12-04